Scroll below to see videos published by the KFANDRA Media Dept. or visit the home of where the videos are stored, at
Swapneel Khare's you tube account.

The idea behind KFANDRA's many recorded session videos!

'There are many people out there that are trying to make money out of drills that anyone can create. It just requires a little thought and of course you need that spark which ignites the passion in you to become a teacher. There are many organizations that love to keep things private. And, there are many people out there who are doing what KFANDRA is doing, which is to share everything. If there's anyone out there that can pick something up from one of the drills KFANDRA has created, whether it's something good or bad, then that'll only be for the betterment of everyone. The thinking behind it is, that when the coaching improves, the level of play improves, the players themselves improve and so on. Thus, the videos that are being released at a steady pace, are evidence of that. But there's also another reason. The playing members of KFANDRA are pushed to the brink by me. When a player turns professional, the club pay him. It's a job and that's how the players attend even the toughest of tough sessions, because he or she knows that if they don't, they'll lose their job. Or maybe the player's trying to get selected for the State or Country and thus employs a coach to train him or her. In an organization like KFANDRA, which is not a business entity out to make a profit, nor is it a club, the players have to pay the organization monthly. You see? It's the opposite of being a professional. They trust me and that's why KFANDRA has created a fake world where everyone is a professional player. The thing is, KFANDRA may be well known world wide in certain sections, but it does not belong to the real-world per se. This means the family members of the players or their friends, don't actually know how much effort they put in during the sessions. You see, in most cases, in an amateur organization, nothing is take seriously. Football players usually come to the ground, take a few shots and then play a game. Rarely, if ever, do they train hard day in and day out. At KFANDRA it's bloody serious. Therefore, the reason so many videos of the sessions are being released, is so that friends and family of the players, can see for themselves how passionate and committed the players are. How much crap they go through. That they literally pay KFANDRA to get tortured. What they'll also see is the camaraderie and bonding that each member shares with the other. And maybe someone out there, who feels just as passionate about what's going on, will feel that he or she wants to be a part of KFANDRA. That's why KFANDRA is so transparent,' Mr. Khare said when talking to Mr. General Public recently.

The latest video publications!

Published on 02/08/24 @ 11.30 am!
Song 17! Mr. Smith's Off the Beaten Track!
Published on 26/07/24 @ 11.30 am!

Gcinaphi the Cat is an addict!
Published on 25/07/24 @ 11.30 am!

The latest video publications!

Published @ 9.30 am on 03/07/24!
How to make non-spicy Butter Chicken without Garam Masala!
Published on 01/07/24!
4 girls ask Khare Sensei out!
A YouTube Short! Published on 29/06/24 @ 12.30!
How to make sweet and tasty yoghurt!
A YouTube Short! Published on 28/06/24 @ 12.30!
Published at 11.30 am on 27/06/24
How not to fall sick with 6 simple lifestyle changes!
A YouTube Short! To be published on 27/06/24 @ 11.30!
How to clean your bum properly after going for a poo!
A YouTube Short! To be published on 24/06/24 @ 11.30!

The latest video publications!

5 things you can do without exercising to stay healthy!
A YouTube Short! Published on 06/06/24!
6 simple exercises you can do to maintain strength levels 4eva!
A YouTube Short! Published on 08/06/24 @ 15.30!
3 simple ways to lose belly fat without exercising!
A YouTube Short! Published on 12/06/24 @ 14.30!
Mr. Smith's Off the Beaten Track! Song 12 - She's just a simple girl walkin'!
Published on 14/06/24 @ 9.30 am!
4 stretches to solve 90% of your lower back pain!
A YouTube Short! Published on 14/06/24 @ 9.30!
3 simple steps to treat an open wound!
A YouTube Short! Published on 17/06/24 @ 12.30!
Cat Vs Hand Monster Movies!
Bored Hand Monster...
Gcinaphi gets a new toy...
Mr. Smith's Off the Beaten Track! Song 13 - It's like night and day!
Publishing on 18/06/24 @ 9.30 am!
3 simple steps to avoid hair loss and make your hair healthy!
A YouTube Short! Published on 19/06/24 @ 12.30!
Who says animals don't have a conscience? Gcinaphi the cat gets bored!
A YouTube Short! To be published on 21/06/24 @ 11.30!

YouTube Shorts from KFANDRA!

Go to Video Archives 3 for the rest of the Shorts! Click or touch the image to see the video!
A glimpse of the first 3 songs on Feefa!
Aankhon mein tere! (Glimpse)
Hand and Handy Monster! (Glimpse)
Gcinaphi and the Hand Monster Totem!

YouTube Shorts from KFANDRA!

Go to Video Archives 3 for the rest of the Shorts! Click or touch the image to see the video!
Get fit the KFANDRA way!
The fascinating world of AI!
Pehla Nasha! (Glimpse)
Jaane Jaan! (Glimpse)

Mr. Smith's 'Off the Beaten Track!'

Tomorrow I'll forget about yesterday! Song 11!

Mr. Smith's 'Classics!'

'Gazab ka hai din' from QSQT. In English!

Mr. Smith's 'Off the Beaten Track!'

A long time ago - dreamin' while I'm sleepin'! An autobiographical song as a pre-release to Khare Sensei's Memoirs.

Swaziland Police PArade!

More than 45 years ago!

Gcinaphi and the Hand Monster! Movie 6!

Gci gets distracted!

Mr. Smith's 'Off the Beaten Track!'

Naagda paoos is Naked rain!

Gcinpahi and a rat! Or is it a shrew?

The Queen Gcinaphi again!

Gcinaphi and the Hand Monster! Movie 5!

Hand Monsters sister, Handy Monster joins in!

Gcinaphi and the Hand Monster! Movie 4!

More on Gcinaphi the cat!

What's your problem FeeFa?! Song 4?

A song on FeeFa (not to be confused with FIFA). Also included are the background videos of the players during the sessions from April 20th to May the 3rd.

Gcinaphi and a pigeon!

Another Gcinaphi special!

Mr. Smith's 'Off the Beaten Track!'

Hey there you with the white sports shoes!

Mr. Smith's 'Off the Beaten Track!'

Aankhon mein tere! Song 8!

Gcinaphi and the Hand Monster! Movie 3!

Another epic!

KFANDRA first ever ad!

Become a member of KFANDRA!

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