'He Khare Premache' - A book by Mrs. Prema M. Khare

'Football and Rugby Basics'

KFANDRA is proud to present to you the Football and Rugby Basics that was created by Mr. Khare many years ago.
The project was drawn and written by Khare himself on A4 sized paper when he got into one of his
'I need to complete a 'How to play football and rugby booklet' as fast as possible phase'.

The drawings and writing may be a trifle unclear/blurry as the copies were scanned and then darkened.
There may also be a few spelling errors, scribbles and stuff like that, as when Khare gets into the 'I need to complete the project' zone,
re-editing the project becomes a hassle.

Please do contact us if you had fun reading it!

The password is - 'ifonlyitwasthiseasy'! 

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