Moving forward without a thought to the past is being disrespectful to what has been learnt - Guru Khare
KFANDRA will always be mindful of the past. Learning from ones mistakes or achievements will only lead to a better future. The website which was formed in the year 2000/2001 rarely moved away from the template that it was born with. Due to an issue at the KFANDRAAI office, which thankfully did not erase any hard data, but which directly led to the revamping of the website, there arose a quandary of what could be done with a hoarders nightmare of 20 years of data. It must be stated here that it's closer to 15 years than 20, as clicking snaps or writing about the daily affairs at the Academy was not a top priority.
Thus, it was decided to create quick links to zip folders containing .htm files that can be opened with any web browsing software. The files contain snapshots of the news articles and images that made the pages of the website in the past. The data is stored in a safe area so there are no viruses to be scared of, if you do take the time to download the events from the past.
The news articles and images that appear after 07/10/20, will also be placed on this page once they are taken off the website.
KFANDRAAI hopes that this new look website is a joy to peruse through and we promise that the cluttered website of yore will definitely be a thing of folklore.
The KFANDRAAI Media will be releasing a newspaper in digital format later today, possibly by 5 pm.
It'll be covering the KLC3 pre-event match, of which the 1st leg is scheduled for Saturday the 13th, which is the coming Saturday.
As soon as the newspaper goes live, the link below will connect you to the digital newspaper.
KFANDRAAI Media hopes you enjoy reading the news!
(The link to the PDF Digital copy of the newspaper can be seen below.).
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