Rugby is meant for everyone!
This page is dedicated to Rugby!
Happenings from the training sessions and matches that are looked after by Mr. Surhud Khare, will be reproduced here.
Another exciting session!
Happiness, as players realize trainings finally over. Vahbiz demonstrates the special stretch that is helping her recover super quick from her ACL op, Philip advertises his favourite drink, Avdhut pretends to see something interesting on the ground and Money Shanks wishes he was somewhere else.
Another exciting session!
Classic pose of a bunch of rugby hooligans trying to look decent, respectable and obedient.
Philip continues advertising his favourite drink.
Another exciting session!
Chaos erupts amongst the lasses as their beady eyes desperately try to spot the very, very expensive ring dropped by gold and diamond jewellery smuggler...oops.....'designer' Raveena'.
Blokes, as always, are clueless.
Philip meanwhile continues to adve........Ah forget it!!
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