One of the many 'creatures' that Paaduman will have to face in
Paaduman PipeDreams 2D was revealed a few days ago. And here is one now.
Can you help Paadu get the better of the creatures that have sworn to protect the realm of the underground? Can Paadu find what he's looking for?
Play Paaduman Pipe Dreams 2D!
KFANDRAAI Game Dept. has announced the release of 'Paaduman PipeDreams 2D' for the Android software mobile phones.
For more news, go to the latest news section!
To download the game click below!
Paaduman PipeDreams 2D!
(Release date 10 am 15/08/21)
Note - This file is safe!!
It is not harmful to your mobile device but may be harmful to you as you may start behaving like Paaduman.
Click on the icon wherever you've downloaded it and install!
Opening scene in Paaduman Arrives
Scene from inside Paaduman 3D
AI Website Generator