Breaking News on Thursday 2.45 pm 17/10/24
KFANDRA makes big announcement! Clubs announced for FOOBAKLC 1!
KFANDRA creates a new system where players can't hide from working out!
'If they want me to spoon feed them, I will!' says Fake Dr. Khare!
Video's being published one after the other!
KFANDRA is the gateway for entertainment!
KFANDRA hasn't skipped a session in 24 years!
Monthly fees are compulsory, unless you are unable to pay them because of financial issues!
The fee structure has changed! Now only one of 2 amounts is acceptable! Nothing in-between!
KFANDRA opens doors to players that can't make it for every session!
The KLC6 is sponsored by the Late Madhu and Prema Khare!
Read more in the Latest News! (Scroll down!)

KFANDRA creates Fooba!
KFANDRA has been hit with quite a few players exiting due to a variety of reasons.
This led to the absence of a competitive tournament since March 2024. Only recently, with the attendances slowly rising, KFANDRA had promised its players some much needed tournament game-time. Unfortunately, the state of the ground in the middle of the summer season and then again during the monsoon season, has led to one half of the KFANDRA home ground in an unplayable state.
Fooba has been created for just such a scenario; with less players and a dodgy pitch, and will most probably be the future at KFANDRA in the short term.
Click here for the link to the Fooba R and R!
Click here for a PDF document related to FoobaKLC1!

A new series has begun, targeting the player members!
The Bachelors Cookbook!
The players will need to show off their skills in the kitchen in front of a camera. And if they're happily married or have an over-protective mum, they won't be allowed to use their help to cook. Even if it's a worried relative or a snoopy neighbour. On the menu should be something elaborate and not something like a simple fried egg or packaged meal.
KFANDRA has given up on its players sending any clips and will be uploading
staff cooking videos if it can.

Player at KFANDRA

Player says something very nice!

He said, 'I am happiest when playing under the supervision of KFANDRA. That is why paying in advance is just like paying myself and guaranteeing happiness'.
(The players name has not been disclosed on account of anything related to fees at KFANDRA remains private).

It's PODCAST time!

Khare Sensei along with the rest of the gang of KFANDRA employees have started a PODCAST!
As the image states the Podcast will be focusing on topics that cover everything.
Check for the link in the More Info Tab in the menu!

The first PODCAST Episode!

Listen to Khare Sensei's solution to the question on the image.

2 recordings cover everything!

It's time for the 2nd Podcast Episode!

Khare Sensei along with Mr. Dlamini decide to analyze the Indian supporter and others all over the world.
1st recording is on Friday!!
The 2nd and final recording is on Saturday at 9.30 am!

The 3rd Podcast Episode!

Mr. Dlamini interviews Khare Sensei on his views on pollution and how he protects the environment.
A few players will be asked this week to give their views too.
Published on 3 pm on 21/06/24!

The 4th Podcast Episode!

Mr. Dlamini interviews Guru Khare on his views on palmistry.
A few players will be asked this week to give their views too.
To be published at 9 am on Monday 16/09/24!

A heartfelt thank you from KFANDRA!

KFANDRA would like to thank those players that regularly pay the fees every month without fail. Even though they may be unable to attend all the sessions or even a few or none at all, they still pay the monthly fee.
A large number of the players choose to ignore KFANDRA's offer to forsake the fees if the player is facing difficulties in his real-life, and that decision is obviously very important for KFANDRA.
It's the regular payment of fees that allows KFANDRA to pay the ground rent and focus fully on the players development and their enjoyment of the sessions and all the asides that go hand in hand with being a KFANDRA member.
At the same time, if a player can't pay the fees, then KFANDRA thanks the player for acknowledging that he can still play at KFANDRA without ever thinking that he hadn't paid the fees.
Thank you all again!

Four large meteors as big as a semi-truck have fallen on the planet Earth. What will the Earth look like 10 years after the explosions? A wide angled image taken from a satellite in space. Close enough to see the carnage and possible life still existing.
Clearly, the KFANDRA staff is enthralled with the AI image creators on the net. Image 115! The fascinating AI mind!
This image was created @ 11.25.11 am on 03/10/24 and put up on the website on 14/10/24.

Mr. Smith to sing!

To liven up life in general, Mr. Smith has decided to pick up the mic and sing a few songs.
The intrepid Mr. Smith is part of the commentary team for the Highlights Shows along
with Mr. Dlamini. In the future he plans to rope in Mr. Dlamini as well as the players.
Mr. Smith will be translating some old Hindi songs into English and singing without any practice, training or skill. He told us that he's grown up on these songs and there are so many non-Hindi speakers out there that may have heard the songs, liked them, but have never understood them. 
Mr. Smith wants to show everyone that the songs are indeed extremely good, well made and well sung and this show will just make everyone appreciate the original so much more.
The series is called, 'Mr. Smith's Classics!'
The first episode was published at 2 pm on 27/03/24.
The 2nd episode was published at 2 pm on Saturday 30/03/24.
The 3rd episode was published on Wednesday 05/06/24.

All about Football formations!
Season One - 
4 episodes

2 minute episodes!!!
Episode 1 - What is a football formation? 5 pm, Sat. 25/11/23
Episode 2 - Quarters are better than 3rds! 5 pm, Sat. 02/11/23
Episode 3 - It's all about 16 blocks! 5 pm, Sat. 09/12/23
Episode 4 - Formations and blocks! 5 pm, Sat. 16/12/23

The Adults Initiative

The Ethos - Respect, Trust, Integrity,
Passion and Humility
The idea - To play an exciting brand of
football and rugby with the ethos in mind.
The journey - A bit of both banter and serious chatter, working on stamina and strength and having heaps of fun in the process.


For the blokes that are unable to attend sessions!

KFANDRA has settled in well in it's new abode and is all the more open to providing an opportunity for players that are unable to dedicate 3 sessions a week towards training but can at least commit themselves to becoming a KFANDRA member, with the focus only being that you believe in its ETHOS.
KFANDRA will be targeting both football and rugby, during the monsoon months and most always football between September and June. The payment of fees during the monsoon months will allow you to attend all tournaments organized by KFANDRA and during the non-monsoon months, the KLC Football tournament.
KFANDRA is now opening its doors to players that want to be a part of a professional organization but who can't always attend the sessions. All that is required of the player is for Mr. Khare to approve your membership and for the fees to be paid regularly. Attending sessions for these players will not be compulsory.
And so, if you think you fall into this bracket, then please email KFANDRA @ for inquiries related to becoming a member - Mr. Mukul Inamdar - and Mr. Shubhankar Inamdar - with a politely worded email to see what you have to do, to begin the process of becoming a member.
(Please note that KFANDRA is not a professional club, but an Academy and the so called 'club' mentality is frowned upon).


Have a business?

KFANDRA is always eager to help it's players in whatever way it can.
KFANDRA has asked its players to send in info about their business along with their Company logo. The only criteria is that their enterprise or 'business' should be owned in full by them.
Khare said, 'even if it's a chance for the players to get to know what their teammates are doing away from KFANDRA, this step is in the right direction. While it's always wise to know what your mates are up to in the real-life, them doing what they may be doing may be of use to you or someone you know in the future. At KFANDRA there's only time for training and never time for a social chit-chat, apart from a fun gathering. And it's been ages since we had one. While KFANDRA has always created ads in the videos it's released in the past, this step to 'advertise a Company' will be the first time in a long while. If you haven't seen the first 'business ad', go through KFANDRA's Home page and you'll see it there!
Please note that all submissions and 'ads' for this section are totally free of cost. KFANDRA will be displaying the info free of cost.


Play Paaduman
Pipedreams 2D!

KFANDRAAI Game Dept. has made available 'Paaduman PipeDreams 2D' for the Android software mobile phones.
As you can see, Paaduman has grown into a well built young man. Help him on his quest as he travels through a couple of levels in search of something even he, as yet, does not know, what it is, he's searching for.
Go to the Games section of the website to download
Paaduman Pipe Dreams 2D!!

All about the KLC

 To attract only those players that are dedicated, disciplined and are committed to train and play with passion and intensity, while at the same time, not having to resort to violence and trying to win at allcosts. The term 'to win at all costs' implies trying to win by use of violence and by cheating. As it has always been in any organization run by Khare/KFANDRA, every player, team, club and organization will obviously always try and win a match, but what is most important, that it won't try and win the match at any cost. Winning a match is only by fair and legal means and in victory, humility is personified. Thereby, losing a match is not the end of the world, but only a chance to learn from mistakes and to congratulate the winning team as well as those teammates that gave their all during the game, playing or in reserve.

Latest News
Thursday 2.45 pm 17/10/24

KFANDRA had in the past attempted quite a few methods to discipline tardy behaviour, but unfortunately, whether they were being fined or punished in some other way, the players would never mend their ways. Hence, KFANDRA asked the players to come up with some form of punishment that they would look after themselves and then inform Khare Sensei that the punishment had been completed.
A few weeks passed by and the players finally came back with their proposal.
They proposed the following -
10 burpees for coming late
5 burpees for late confirmation

10 burpees + 10 squat jumps for coming late
5 burpees + 5 squat jumps for late confirmation

10 burpees + 10 squat jumps + 10 push ups non stop

Punishments should also be completed within 2 sessions attended. And after that players themselves have to message sir that they have completed the punishment.

KFANDRA has asked the players to ensure that the punishments from August 2024 are taken care of. Khare Sensei has also requested the players to clarify a few things. Such as what should be done if the players does not complete the punishment inside 2 sessions and who supervises the player doing the punishment? Also, he stated that punishments for dropping out due to silly reasons may lead to the players being dishonest when giving excuses, simply to avoid punishment. As the reasons for missing sessions are given only to Khare, he will deem the reason punishable once he decides the player is not learning from his mistakes. Then the announcement will be made on the sessions sheet.
Khare stated that the player being punished and the teammate supervising the punishment should both send a message to Khare Sensei later the same day informing that the punishment has been carried out and completed. He has also stated that punishments that have not been completed will result in a 5 minute suspension per punishment for the players forthcoming match. The players are not allowed to do the punishment during session times but are permitted to do the punishment before or after the session. KFANDRA has asked the players to appoint 1 member to make a tally of all the punishments that have happened over 1 week or 3 sessions. At the beginning of every week, a new player has to be appointed.

KFANDRA's announcement yesterday has indeed struck the right chords amongst the players. Since March, attendances had dropped and the KLC5 was cancelled. Six months on and the attendances are clawing upwards but there have been some permanent drops. The positive is that by November or at least the end of the year, the attendance will almost be at 100%.
Everyone must've noticed that no dates have been set for the season and as always, this decision was taken on purpose. This is the first time where a schedule hasn't been fixed before the announcement of a KLC tourney.
A spokesperson for KFANDRA said, 'this season will be unique! KFANDRA will be holding draws for the Cup Semi's of course and will be providing a certain timeframe for when the Cup matches can be played and also the league matches. But as for the entire schedule, KFANDRA has decided not to get cornered into setting up an entire fixture program and being left to the mercy of the players health, work schedule and family schedule. There are too many issues that can come up which will cause the postponement of a fixture. Sometimes even a cancellation! This season the players will set the schedule themselves, on a week by week basis. All session days are ava for a fixture! This is because all the players are KFANDRA members! There will be only one rule re the fixtures, and that is that a Club will not be allowed to play a match if the difference between matches played is more than two as compared to the other teams in the league. What I'm announcing here, is that the Clubs have been asked to appoint a Club Manager and a Club Captain and to inform KFANDRA of the same. The Manager and Captain will be compulsorily changed at the end of every month. The appointments for the 1st Captain and Manager need to be made by 12 noon Sunday the 20th of October. The Managers and Captains will then be authorized to set up the dates for the FKLC1 schedule. The league should commence from any ava session date from November. The Clubs/Organizations can organize up to 3 matches a week as the matches will be 15 minutes each half. The matches can be set on a week by week basis with KFANDRA being informed of the match up to 2 days before the proposed date. All these rules and regulations will be made formal soon and put up on the website. There are exciting times no? Ok, I'll go now! Bye-bye!'
And we must say bye-bye too! Isn't it simply exciting that KFANDRA have invented a new competitive game that is way more interesting than normal football with non-stop entertainment every second? And for the players, they'll be the first ever people in the world that will play this game. I'm telling all of you readers out there, that Fooba can become immensely popular for sure.

KFANDRA's History

KFANDRA and the Adults Initiative. (KFANDRAAI). Is now once again KFANDRA!


KFANDRA was formed in the year 2000 and then registered under the Charity commissioner in 2001. The aim of the Academy was to coach kids in a professional manner, while at the same time teaching them moral values. At it's inception, a strong Mens team was also formed and the kids at the Academy were urged to dream of playing for the adult team.
For the technically advanced in football, opportunities such as trials with professional clubs were arranged, so that the players could have a chance at turning pro. Unfortunately, Rugby was a sport that was unheard of in this country and KFANDRA introduced it in Pune. Rugby was used more as a strength and personality building tool as there was not future in rugby professionally. Incredibly, the fees charged were negligible and some kids never paid at all as KFANDRA did not charge those family's that could not afford to pay even the smallest fee. Practice was held every day of the week for 2 hours in the evenings.
More than a decade later, the Academy realized that a majority of the urban youth were not inclined to pursue the chance of turning pro as it required time and an unfaltering dedication to succeed. Especially as the path to turn pro was not defined clearly. Football in Pune and for that matter, India, is not conducted in a way that is conducive to a healthy and comfortable future. But along the way, KFANDRA created quite a few players that ended up playing for their State of Maharashtra and managed to field a group of teenagers in the local tournaments against adults sometimes twice or thrice their age. And some of the greatest achievements by KFANDRA was to create a girls team in both football and rugby. The girls proved that they were just as good as the boys when a few players played at the national level in football, while in rugby the KFANDRA Womens team was the first team in the entire country to play an official Rugby Union 7's match against a Womens team from Hong Kong. They were also the first to play a 15's match in India as well. The girls and women also achieved a feat that KFANDRA had never achieved before, which was for some of the players to pull on their international jersey's because they were selected to play for their country.
The revenue was negligible though and eventually, with the ground rent sky rocketing, KFANDRA had to call it a day in 2018.
It was in 2005/2006 when Thunderboltz approached Mr. Khare to coach them. To cut a long story short, TZ allowed Mr. Khare to begin a tournament that ran for up to 8 months in a year, which focused on the ethos and punctuality. Another organization that Khare ended up coaching, KITFO/SAS also joined the tournament. The TZLC was separate from FIFA and Khare has even published it's own set of rules, called the HandyHandbook. 
The list of players went over 100 until during the lock down in June '20. During this period, Khare resigned from KITFO/SAS. Recently the reformed TZLC became the KTZLC and had over 60 members aged from 16 upwards, with the oldest player in his fifties, which was headed by KFANDRAAI.

November 2020
Khare resigned from Thunderboltz and is now running everything through KFANDRAAI. He has stated that he has worked for 15+ years at TZ as an employee and now the time has come, where he wants to do what he did for others, for the benefit of others, to set off on his own and take total control.

April 2022
The name KFANDRAAI was withdrawn and is back to being called KFANDRA.

May 2022 to June 2023
KFANDRA introduced a new system where the players did their warm up and stretching through audio recordings, known at KFANDRA as WOOS (WarmUP - WOO and Stretching - S). This frees up time for the Coach Sir to set up the drills for the session.
Quite a few new drills were also created, such at the 6 minute kill drill, minutes of madness and many more.
The KLC4 was a grand success, even after the unceremonious exit of the group of players from outside of KFANDRA (ACU), that was to take part in it. KFANDRA made a few changes to ensure that the KLC4 could continue being competitive. NSTTP (The Northern and Southern Territorial Pact) created by 'The Almighty Zoltan' was introduced to replace ACU.
The Quasi-Membership Initiative was chucked in the rubbish bin and KFANDRA vowed never to allow non-members from participating again. 
Until a few months down the line when a player on trial for membership of KFANDRA, accused KFANDRA of 'insulting' his parents and stating that it was too 'tiring to be respectful and say sorry constantly', KFANDRA created two 'Departments' (HOOLI and PNMIM) to look after the possible re-entry of non-members into the KLC and new membership aspirants.
The two Departments have been converted to one, the PNMID.


Phone for KFANDRA Membership

Mr. Swapneel Khare (Khare Sensei/Neel Sir)
Phone no. provided on email request -

Coaching Help Info

Does your organization want to be a part of KFANDRA through its coaching methods? Contact the following persons to see if something can be worked out.
Mr. Vishal Jobanputra -, 9922909524
Mr. Ajay Sanghvi -, 9823032807
Mr. Jaidev Karanth -, 9822027020

Sessions held at

Sangamwadi Ground
Session times - Tue, Thu and Sat 0610 to 0730.
(Can be extended to 08.10 if enough players are available for extra training).
Scroll below to see map and directions                        

For Rugby only

Surhud Khare -,
Please text message Surhud Sir first. Please do not call before messaging.


KFANDRA's Home venue (Sangamwadi)
1. Turn into the Rajiv Gandhi Nagar slum from Sangamwadi road.
2. Go along the road where you’ll see a small temple on your left.
3. Turn at the first left after the temple.
4. Go straight to a dead end and turn right. There’s even a small electrical box
with a flashing red light at the spot.
5. Go straight until you see another small temple/meeting are called Vikas Kreeda Mandal to your left with benches and
there are benches also placed where people can read newspapers. Take the
road between these two places. To your left will be some small dwellings and you’ll approach a society.
The name of the Society is MoonMother (Chandrama).
6. Take the first left at the Society.
7. Take the first right (you’ll spot a kennel at this corner).
8. Take the road which has a slight left and then right turn. Go straight along this
road but slowly. Turn in at 9 where you’ll be shown where to park your vehicle. 

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