Health and Fitness

The information on this page has been set up to provide information on heath and fitness.


Coffee is a drug!

Fake Dr. Khare warns players! 

Fake Dr. Khare has appealed to KFANDRAAI to put a curb on players drinking coffee. While some of the old folk have habituated themselves to having a cuppa or two everyday, the younger lot also seem to be addicted to the often drunk beverage.
The latest research has proved that coffee, especially strong or black coffee, is as addictive as banned substances such as cocaine. Coffee is known to affect your well being, your behaviour and your general conduct. It's hits the brain in such a way, that you don't even realize you're being affected until you stop drinking it. Withdrawal symptoms from coffee range from depression, anger, lethargy and so on.
KFANDRAAI is currently looking into the matter.


Apple Cider Vinegar!

Fake Dr. Khare says that Apple Cider Vinegar has a lot of health benefits. As long as you aren't allergic to it, ACV can cure anything if taken carefully.
For more on this, contact Fake Dr. Khare asap.


Sea salt 

Fake Dr. Khare advises its players to start taking sea salt instead of the normal salt being sold in the market. 
While the cost of what is commonly known as iodized salt is indeed cheaper, the benefits of eating sea salt by far exceeds the common table salt variety.
Commonly called pink salt, this salt is created by evaporating the water, which means that the salt remains unprocessed. Pink salt is also tastier.
Please note though, that although sea salt is healthier, and is definitely a better bet than normal salt, you must still it salt in moderation.

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